Image For A Tapestry

This is a very sad image but I find the tones and the contests of the browns and the contrast in colors and the perception of depth are each and all tempting me to attempt a woven tapestry based on this image. The picture was on the front page of yesterday’s New York Times.

Stamp Collecting and Postcards

I have been buying a number of postcards online from dealers all over the country and a few even from dealers in Europe and Asia. They come in various safe and secure ways. I really appreciate when the dealer is obviously interested in stamps as well as postcards. And I have resurrected my interest in stamp collecting. Pictured above is a U.S. stamp of a bluebird. It is on an envelope postmarked Phoenix Arizona, 17 April 2021.

More colorfull was an envelope postmarked Rockport Maine. Look at the great stamps on that envelope. Four different images – that dealer went out of his way to use as many stamps as he could. Bonanza! Note the stamp honoring Frances E. Willis. I have a lot of Willis ancestors. I wonder if this Frances is among them.