Out of Africa

This is an image (from the internet) of Idina Sackville West. This is to accompany my previous post about the fascinating book I read about her life- titled The Bolter. Idina’s time spent in Kenya was particularly interesting for me.

Idina Sackville West

L- Limitless Freedom!

Thoughts to ponder.


A to Z Challenge 2022 – Nature and I

Don’t you think many of us restrict or limit our growth by boundaries we set for ourselves? Man is blessed with boundless potential. Yet the fear of failure, self-imposed barriers and doubts curtail his growth. Snug and cozy in his self-created comfort zone, hesitation greets his step outside of it. The mind holds on to the “what ifs” before giving it a try.

When I see the birds fly across the blue skies, it reinforces my belief that that we too are blessed with abilities in abundance. When the fledglings are ready, the mother pushes them out of their nest. The little ones instinctively flap their wings and fly into the sky, overcoming fear, slowly but steadily gaining confidence, before soaring into the vast open sky.

“There is freedom waiting for you on the breeze of the sky, and you ask…

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