Time Warp

Last night I attended my youngest grandchild’s graduation from 8th grade. I have now been reminded of another 8th grade graduation in the dim and distant past. Our son James (the father of last night’s graduate) graduated from 8th grade in the American International School in Bangladesh. It was a relatively small affair – quite different from last night’s mega scene. 8th grade in the American International School in Bangladesh was the end of the road, so to speak. The road ahead for that relatively small group of 8th graders meant boarding schools scattered all over the world. The ceremony marking the completion of their schooling in Dhaka was held in the Sonagon Hotel and consisted mostly of a review of each individual’s years in that part of the world. For 8th grade graduate James it meant yet again singing songs from the Broadway hit “Oliver”. (Coincidentally a future boarding school pal was also an “Oliver” performer.)

So last night there I was thinking about something different altogether, of another graduation altogether. I was thinking about– my own high school graduation in 1954 back in Belmont Massachusetts and how nervous I was because I had to give a speech. Off topic altogether!!

Mixed emotions, jumbled memories and thoughts.from an aging grandma!

Mystery Cat

Can you name this cat? That’s our table and rug in the background. But which cat is this? Quasi(modo)?

(I’ve been going through some old letters and I found this photo.)

Oh Dear…..

Oh dear, I was watching TV this afternoon – the golf (PGA Championship) at Pinehurst North Carolina and my favorite player,, Rory McElroy lost. That just makes me sad and homesick for Dublin! I commiserated with my son in Connecticut and he relayed news to me of my son in Dublin (and London). My family covers a wide geographic area.